viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Match these word partnerships to their meanings.

1 launch         The introduction of a product to the market.
2 lifecycle           The length of time people continues to buy a product.
3 range          The set of products made by a company.
4 placement           When products are used in films or TV programmes.
5 endorsement        The use of a well-known person to advertise products.

6 loyalty            The tendency to always buy a particular brand.

7 image           How familiar people are with a brand.
8 stretching           Using an existing name on another type of product.
9 awarenes          The ideas and beliefs people have about a brand.
10 name         The name given to a product by the company that makes it.

Complete these sentences with word partnerships from Exercise A.

1-The creation of Virgin Cola, Virgin Air, Virgin Rail and Virgin Bride is an example of brand stretching.
2-Consumers who always buy Levi’s when they need a new pair of jeans are showing brand loyalty.
3- Not enough people recognize our logo; we need to spend a lot more on raising brand image.

1-David Beckham advertising Vodafone is an Example of product endorsement.
2- A product lifecycle   consists of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.
3-The use of BMW cars and Nokia phones in James Bond  films are examples of product placement.

Complete these sentences with the present simple or the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
1-a) This year we are trying to develop a brand with personality.
b) We usually develop brands that say something.
2-a) Powerful brand names create strong consumer loyalty.
b) At the moment we are looking for a new brand name that suggests something about the product’s benefits and qualities.
3-a) L’Oreal sells cosmetics and toiletries to consumers around the world.
b) This L’Oreal is investing over 180m in R&D.
4-a) The marketing department always keeps within its budgets.
b) Because the company made a loss last year, the marketing department is trying to reduce.

Complete these sentences with the present simple or the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

At the moment I am working for a cosmetics company. We offer a full range of cosmetic products and we sell cosmetics and toiletries around the world. Our main cosmetics brand dominates the French market and it is doing well in the rest of Europe at the moment, too. In fact, the brand is becoming more and more popular throughout the world and our market share is growing every day.
We usually develop and we extend products under our existing brand name. The brand is distinctive and stands out from the competition. However, this year we are creating a completely new brand of cosmetics.

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

The iPad launch

  Video 1

- what is the product?
The ipad

- What are the characteristics of the product? (Mention adjectives the presenter uses to describe the product)?

The iPad is a very thin, extraordinary piece of hardware; it is handled by a touch screen and you can use the internet in many ways that a smartphone can not. It’s better than a smart phone, and better than a computer.

- What can you do with the product?

You can change the background images, browse the internet, download apps and games , compose email, etc.

Video 2

-What's the product?

The ipad 2

- What are the characteristics of the product? (mention adjectives the presenter uses to describe the product and other details about the product)

It’s a whole new design from the previous ipad, it’s twice as fast with a dual processor, and up to nine times faster graphics. The same low power as the ipad 1.

- How many cameras does it have? and where?

The ipad 2 have two cameras, one on the front and another on the back.

domingo, 6 de octubre de 2013

Passive Voice

1) The words  are explained by the teacher today.
2) We  were sent a letter the day before yesterday.
3) This car  will not be stolen. It's too old.
4) This street  has already been closed because of snow.
5) A new restaurant  will be opened next week.
6) He  was invited to the party yesterday.
7) The blue box  cannot be seen.
8) I  was given the book by my friend last Sunday.
9) The dishes  have not been washed by my little brother.
10) I  will not be asked by Robert

lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Steve Jobs Talks about managing people

- How does Steve Jobs define Apple?
“An incredibly collaborative company”

-How is Apple organized?
In Apple  no committees we are organized Like a startup One person is in charge of iPhone IOS, another person in charge of Mac hardware, one person in charge of Worldwide marketing, etc.                     
-What are the departments or areas he mentions?
IOS, iMac, worldwide marketing, and operations.

-How often do they meet at Apple?
Apple meets once a week for three hours.

-According to Steve Jobs, team work is dependent on what?
Teamwork, consist in a group of people that you can rely on to get their part of the job done, without having to constantly watch over them.

-What does Steve Jobs do all day?
He meets with teams of people and they think of ideas to solve problems, to make new products, to make new marketing programs, etc.

-According to Steve Jobs, What do you need to do if you want to have great people working for you?
You need to have people that can give ideas that make progress throughout the company.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Future Tenses: With Time Clauses

What I expect to happen in the next 10 years of my life is as follows:
After I graduate (graduate) from this school, I think, I will take (take) a long holiday and travel in Europe. When I start (start) work, I will not have (not/have) much time for myself. Therefore, I want (want) to see Europe before I start (start) work. I will go (go) to England, France, Spain and Italy. If you take (take) a Eurorail ticket, you can travel inexpensively. So I will not have to spend (not/have to/spend) too much for my travel expenses. After I come (come) back to Turkey, I will start (start) looking for a job. I will accept (accept) a job that fits my life style expectations. I do not want (not/want) to work long hours.

lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Grammar exercises

Jack is seeing the doctor tomorrow. He will be all right.

Soon after Jack  . right

We are going to get married. We will live in Bristol.
As soon as we  . right

You'll be hungry. You can take anything from the fridge.
Whenever you  . right

I'm going to change my job. I must tell my boss.
Before I  . right

They will be waiting for me. They will have enough time to prepare it.
While they  . right

Peggy is coming tonight. She will help you.
As soon as Peggy  . right

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Conditional sentences, type I and II

1) If we  cycle to Dresden, it will be a fantastic trip.
2) I   will miss the school bus if I don't get up early.
3) Harriet would stay longer in Vienna if she   had more time.
4) She   would support the people in Peru if she bought her coffee beans in this shop.
5) If I don't see Claire today, I   will phone her this evening.
6) If Carlos   goes sailing, he'll need a life-jacket.
7) If my brother   parked his car here, the traffic warden would give him a ticket.
8) You'll catch a cold if you   don't wear a pullover.
9) If you drink more of this sweet lemonade, you   will get sick.
10) If Marcus sings under the shower, I   will turn up the radio up to full volume.